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The control of the melting process

The control of the melting process

2024-04-15 15:29:28

Melting process is a key link in the precision casting process, the success or failure of melting, directly determines the quality of the product, so our company in the production process, pay much attention to the control of the melting process.


Staffing: general melting process a group of four people, one for the melting master, three fork shell workers, we are in accordance with the annual production capacity of 1320T configurationEquipment
used: we use a 200Kg capacity fast melting medium frequency furnace, melting time 25min, than the traditional equipment melting time reduced several times, which greatly improves our production capacity.

The melting process can be divided into 6 process steps: 1, preparation;    2, loading;    3, melting;    4, adjusting the composition;    5, deoxidizing;    6, out of the steel pouring;
1.Preparation: In the preparation stage, we carry out the inspection of furnace, frequency conversion device, thermometer and other equipment, the roasting of shell mold and the preparation of raw materials, deoxidizer and so on;
2.Charging: the charging process is prioritized to prevent the return material, new material and other easy to burn materials, and then put the material that is not easy to burn and ensure that the bottom is thick and the top is loose;
3.Melting: the melting process should be timely sprinkled with slag remover to prevent liquid oxidation, but also should control the amount of slag remover to prevent excessive metal burns;
4.Adjust the composition: in the stainless steel casting process, because Ni and Cr are easy to burn, so we will add accordingly according to the order of addition;
5.Deoxygenation: before pouring, add deoxidizer in the furnace to reduce the oxidized inclusions in the liquid
6.Pouring:When the alloy composition, temperature, deoxidation have reached the requirements of the steel pouring;

Quality control: the control of chemical composition is the most important thing in the melting process, so our company will analyze the composition before pouring;    Figure 2 is the spectrometer used for composition analysis, Figure 3 is the sample, and labeled with the date and the number of furnaces, Figure 4 is the storage of the sample block, which can be used for traceability.
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Figure 5 is the composition of our daily testing data.

Figure 6 shows the casting temperature and roasting temperature for each product according to our in-house experience.